
Digital Advertising   /   Business Development

Preparing your company for Gen-Y and beyond

Digital Trends in Marketing.

There are five things every company and business owner should know about the upcoming generation as a B2C consumer and B2B purchaser:
  1. Digital Default: A majority of buyers use digital channels for research (i.e. search engines, websites, social media). They spend more than 3.5 times on messaging apps and real-time communication than the preceding generation. Innovative communication channels are generally preferred over voicemail.
  2. Active Presence: They are more likely to engage with a brand on social networks and will make decisions based on a company’s digital presence (or lack thereof). They value virtual, and meetings are generally used to support rather than establish a relationship. 
  3. Honest Proof: Younger buyers are persuaded by peers and online networks to gain trust. Paint a rich story for your company through testimonials, case studies, white papers and infographics. They are attracted and wooed by compelling content, especially video.
  4. Socially Minded: Craft a story behind your product or service because new buyers are highly likely to switch brands based on a compelling story or cause. Newer generations have been so bombarded with advertising of every kind, that they are particularly motivated by simplicity, authenticity and freshness. 
  5. On Demand: The inclination towards mobile devices should be obvious. They rely heavily on information gathering in real-time and expect prompt responses.  
Businesses are reconsidering their sales approach in order to attract and keep an increasingly younger buyer. The upcoming generation has been marked by an information-rich, hyper-connected, mobile friendly environment. They are content-hungry and make informed decisions. Understanding their world will help you to stay connected to them and rethink sales strategy accordingly. 

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